are beluga whales carnivores, herbivores, omnivores?

how much energy do they receive from the sun? give me a percentage?

Beluga whales are classified as carnivores. They primarily feed on fish and other marine animals found in their habitats.

Regarding the energy they receive from the sun, it's essential to understand that whales, including belugas, are not directly dependent on solar energy. Unlike plants and some marine organisms that can undergo photosynthesis, whales are not capable of converting sunlight into energy. Instead, they rely on obtaining energy indirectly by consuming other organisms in the food chain.

Therefore, beluga whales do not receive any significant percentage of energy directly from the sun. Their energy is derived from the consumption of other organisms, particularly marine animal prey.

can you just give me an estimate of a percentage then please? it's mandatory.

Apologies for the confusion, but it is not possible to provide a specific percentage of energy that beluga whales receive from the sun. As mentioned earlier, whales are not directly dependent on solar energy and instead derive their energy from consuming other organisms in the food chain. Therefore, the percentage of energy they receive from the sun is negligible or close to zero.

Beluga whales are carnivores, meaning they primarily eat meat. Their diet mostly consists of fish such as salmon, cod, and herring, along with squid and crustaceans.

In terms of energy from the sun, it's important to note that beluga whales are not directly dependent on solar energy like plants. They obtain energy indirectly from the sun through the food chain. Algae and phytoplankton, which are primary producers in the ocean, rely on photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy. They are consumed by small organisms, which are then eaten by larger organisms, and so on.

Beluga whales belong to a higher level in the food chain, where they ultimately obtain energy from the fish they consume. This energy comes from the fish's own consumption of smaller organisms, which in turn obtain energy from the sun. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a specific percentage of energy received from the sun for beluga whales.

It's important to note that the concept of energy transfer through the food chain is complex and involves various factors like efficiency, biomass, and trophic levels.