Which trade route was too distant from East and West Africa to be used?(1 point) Responses Silk Road Silk Road trans-Saharan trans-Saharan Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea Black Sea

Black Sea

The trade route that was too distant from East and West Africa to be used is the Silk Road. To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the geographical context of the different trade routes.

First, let's consider the Silk Road. The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and the West, primarily between China and the Mediterranean region. It was used to transport goods and ideas between Asia, Europe, and North Africa. However, East and West Africa are located far south of the Silk Road, making it too distant to be a feasible trade route for these regions.

Next, let's consider the trans-Saharan trade route. This trade route traversed the vast Sahara Desert, connecting West Africa with North Africa, the Mediterranean, and beyond. It was a major trade route for goods such as gold, salt, and slaves. Although the trans-Saharan trade route connected East and West Africa, it doesn't fit the description of being too distant, as it directly linked these regions.

Moving on, the Mediterranean Sea was also an important trade route, connecting various regions including North Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. While it was a significant route for maritime trade, it is not the answer we are looking for, as it was actually accessible to East and West Africa.

Lastly, the Black Sea was a critical trade route in the ancient world, connecting regions such as Eastern Europe, including the Roman Empire, with parts of Asia. However, it is not relevant to the question, as it is not geographically related to Africa.

Therefore, the correct answer is the Silk Road. It is important to consider the geographical aspects of each trade route and eliminate options based on their location and accessibility to East and West Africa.