Which trade route was too distant from East and West Africa to be used?

A Trans-Saharan
B Silk road
C black sea
D Mediterranean sea

B Silk road

The trade route that was too distant from East and West Africa to be used is the Silk Road (Option B). The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that connected East Asia with the Mediterranean region, passing through Central Asia. Although it facilitated extensive trade and cultural exchange between regions, it did not directly connect East and West Africa.

The trade route that was too distant from East and West Africa to be used is option C: Black Sea.

To arrive at this answer, we need to evaluate the distances and geographical factors associated with each trade route.

A. Trans-Saharan Trade Route:
The Trans-Saharan trade route was a major route that connected West Africa to the Mediterranean. It involved crossing the vast Sahara Desert and was used to transport goods like gold, salt, spices, and slaves. This route was primarily used for trade between West Africa and North Africa or the Mediterranean.

B. Silk Road:
The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that connected the East and West, stretching from China to the Mediterranean Sea. It facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between various regions such as Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Although it was a long and challenging route, it was a vital trade route.

C. Black Sea:
The Black Sea is located to the northeast of Africa and is connected to the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosporus Strait. While the Black Sea was used for trade purposes, it was not a direct trade route between East and West Africa. It was primarily used for trade between regions surrounding the Black Sea, such as Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, and Central Asia.

D. Mediterranean Sea:
The Mediterranean Sea played a crucial role in connecting different civilizations and facilitating trade between various regions, including East and West Africa. It served as a major route for maritime trade and interconnected Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Considering this information, the trade route that is too distant from East and West Africa to be used is the Black Sea (option C). It is located far to the northeast of Africa, making it less practical for direct trade between East and West Africa.