This American poster from World War I is an example of propaganda. Which statement BEST describes the message of this poster?

For Home and Country
(1 point)

These loans support troops and their families.

Americans can afford families if they take out loans.

America will only win the war if people buy liberty loans.

Victory liberty loans are better than all other kinds of loans.

The statement "America will only win the war if people buy liberty loans" BEST describes the message of this poster.

To determine the best statement that describes the message of the poster, let's analyze the image and its context.

The poster you mentioned is an American poster from World War I, promoting the Victory Liberty Loan campaign. Propaganda posters were commonly used during wartime to influence public opinion and motivate certain behaviors. In this case, the primary goal of the poster was to encourage people to purchase Victory Liberty Loans.

By analyzing the options provided, we can conclude that the statement "America will only win the war if people buy liberty loans" best describes the message of this poster. The poster aims to convey that by purchasing liberty loans, individuals are directly supporting the war effort and helping ensure victory for their country.

To arrive at this answer, it's important to consider the historical context of the poster and the purpose of propaganda during wartime. Additionally, studying the images, symbols, and text used in the poster itself can provide valuable insights into its intended message.