What is the best meaning of the word "ethical as it is used here?


B. greedy


D. emotional

A. moral

To determine the best meaning of the word "ethical" as it is used here, we can employ a few strategies. First, we can consider the context in which the word is being used. Additionally, we can analyze the synonyms and antonyms of the given options to identify the most appropriate meaning.

In this case, the options are:

A. moral
B. greedy
C. uncaring
D. emotional

Out of these options, "moral" best aligns with the meaning of "ethical." Ethical behavior refers to actions that are in accordance with moral principles and standards. Therefore, the correct answer is A, "moral."

r u sure

Yes, I am sure that option A, "moral," is the best meaning of the word "ethical" in the given context. The term "ethical" is commonly understood to refer to principles or behaviors that are morally right or just. It involves making decisions and taking actions based on a set of moral values and standards.

Which context clues helped you understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph?

A.public interest

B. ordinary folks

C.good deed

D. online collection

The context clues that helped me understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph are:

- "public interest": This suggests that the behavior described is concerned with the well-being and fairness towards the public, which aligns with the moral aspect of ethics.
- "good deed": This phrase implies that the behavior being discussed is positive or morally upright, further supporting the association with morality and ethics.

Therefore, options A and C, "public interest" and "good deed," are the context clues that help us understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph.

What does the word "beget" mean in this instance?

A. reward

The word "beget" means D. produce in this instance. In this context, it implies that these ethical behaviors or actions will result in, or produce, positive outcomes.

What context clues helped you understand the meaning of the word "beget"

A.Moral myopia
B.inspire copycats
C.Texas professor
D.types of stories

The context clues that helped me understand the meaning of the word "beget" in this instance are:

- "inspire copycats": This suggests that the action described can lead to others replicating or imitating it, which implies that it has the power to generate further instances of the same type of behavior. This aligns with the idea of "begetting" meaning to produce or generate.

Therefore, option B, "inspire copycats," is the context clue that helps us understand the meaning of the word "beget" in this instance.