What is the best meaning of the word ethical as it is used here

Based on the given context, the best meaning of the word "ethical" would likely be:

- Adhering to principles of morality and fairness; morally right and just.

Please note that without the specific sentence or context where the word "ethical" is used, it can be challenging to provide a precise interpretation.

In order to determine the best meaning of the word "ethical" in a particular context, I would need more information about the specific usage. The term "ethical" generally refers to principles or standards that relate to what is considered morally right or wrong, good or bad, particularly in terms of human behavior.

If you can provide more context or the sentence in which the word is used, I can assist you in understanding the particular meaning of "ethical" in that context. Please provide more details.

To determine the best meaning of the word "ethical" as it is used in a specific context, you would need to provide the particular sentence or sentence fragment in which it appears. This will assist in offering a more accurate explanation.