How was the US constitution different from the articles of confederation?A. The US Constitution set up the first form of government for the newly independent United States.B. The US constitution allow for each state to have an equal vote in Congress regardless of size or population.c. The US Constitution separated powers between the judicial legislative and executive branches.D. The US Constitution had only one branch a unicameral legislator that had limited power.

C. The US Constitution separated powers between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches.

The correct answer is C. The US Constitution separated powers between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's first compare the US Constitution and the Articles of Confederation:

1. The US Constitution set up the first form of government for the newly independent United States, which is true. However, this is not a key difference between the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation.

2. The US Constitution did not allow each state to have an equal vote in Congress regardless of size or population. This actually refers to a characteristic of the Articles of Confederation, where each state had equal representation in Congress, regardless of their population. In contrast, the US Constitution introduced a system of proportional representation, where the number of representatives in the House of Representatives is based on a state's population.

3. The US Constitution separated powers between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches. This is the key difference between the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation did not establish separate branches of government with distinct powers. Instead, it had a unicameral legislature that exercised both legislative and executive functions.

4. The US Constitution did not have only one branch, a unicameral legislature with limited power. This is actually a characteristic of the Articles of Confederation, where there was only one branch of government, a unicameral legislature, and it had limited powers.

So, the correct answer is C, as it correctly identifies the separation of powers as a major difference between the US Constitution and the Articles of Confederation. To arrive at this answer, it is important to have a basic understanding of both the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation and the differences in their structures and powers.