which statement best investigates the relationship between social darwinism and new imerialism

A social darwinism believed that through the intermarriage of different peoples the strongest and smartest would create the best government
b social darwinism Portrayed White Europeans as culturally superior to other races was used to justify the colonization of other nations
c social darwinism Betrayed African people as culturally unique and rejected their colonies by other nations
d social darwinism Focused exclusively on science and did not apply to the era of new imperialism

The best statement that investigates the relationship between social Darwinism and new imperialism is option B: social darwinism portrayed White Europeans as culturally superior to other races and was used to justify the colonization of other nations. Social Darwinism was a belief system that applied Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies, asserting that certain races or cultures were biologically superior to others. This ideology was used to rationalize and legitimize European colonization and domination of other nations during the era of new imperialism.

The best statement that investigates the relationship between social Darwinism and new imperialism is option b: "Social Darwinism portrayed White Europeans as culturally superior to other races and was used to justify the colonization of other nations." This statement highlights how social Darwinism was used as a justification for European powers to colonize and dominate other nations, based on the belief in the superiority of the European race.

To investigate the relationship between social Darwinism and new imperialism, we need to carefully analyze each statement and determine which one best captures this relationship.

Statement A suggests that social Darwinism believed that the intermarriage of different peoples would create the best government. This statement does not explicitly connect social Darwinism to new imperialism, which was a period of intense colonization and expansion by European powers.

Statement B, on the other hand, portrays social Darwinism as portraying White Europeans as culturally superior to other races and justifying the colonization of other nations. This statement directly links social Darwinism to the ideology of new imperialism, as it suggests that the belief in racial superiority was used as a pretext for imperialist practices.

Statement C does not accurately describe the relationship between social Darwinism and new imperialism, as it suggests that social Darwinism rejected African colonies by other nations. In fact, social Darwinism often played a role in justifying the colonization and exploitation of African territories during the era of new imperialism.

Statement D suggests that social Darwinism focused exclusively on science and did not apply to the era of new imperialism. This statement is incorrect because social Darwinism was indeed utilized to justify and legitimize the practices associated with new imperialism.

Therefore, the statement that best investigates the relationship between social Darwinism and new imperialism is statement B, which highlights how social Darwinism was used to portray White Europeans as culturally superior and justify the colonization of other nations.