Which statement best investigates the relationship between social Darwinism and New Imperialism?

The statement that best investigates the relationship between social Darwinism and New Imperialism is: "Social Darwinism provided a pseudo-scientific justification for the expansionist policies of New Imperialism by promoting the idea that dominant nations were racially superior and therefore entitled to conquer and exploit weaker nations."

The relationship between social Darwinism and New Imperialism can be investigated through the following steps:

Step 1: Understand the concept of social Darwinism.
- Social Darwinism refers to the application of Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies.
- It suggests that competition among individuals or nations is natural and beneficial, leading to the survival of the fittest.
- Social Darwinism was used to justify imperialism, as it claimed that more advanced nations were biologically superior and had the right to dominate "weaker" nations.

Step 2: Explore the context of New Imperialism.
- New Imperialism refers to the period of increased European imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
- During this time, European powers sought to expand their empires through the colonization and domination of territories, particularly in Africa and Asia.
- Economic motives, geopolitical rivalries, and nationalistic aspirations were some of the driving factors behind New Imperialism.

Step 3: Identify the connection between social Darwinism and New Imperialism.
- Social Darwinism provided a theoretical framework that justified European powers' imperialistic ambitions.
- It perpetuated the idea of Western superiority and the belief that it was the duty of advanced nations to dominate and civilize "lesser" ones.
- The ideology of social Darwinism was used to legitimize actions such as the scramble for Africa, where European powers competed to colonize African territories.
- Advocates of social Darwinism believed that this expansion was necessary for the survival and progress of their nations.

Step 4: Analyze the impact of social Darwinism on New Imperialism.
- Social Darwinism played a significant role in providing a moral and intellectual basis for New Imperialism.
- It reinforced the notion of racial or cultural superiority, leading to the establishment of hierarchies between colonizing powers and colonized peoples.
- European powers used social Darwinism to justify exploitative practices, such as forced labor, resource extraction, and cultural assimilation, in their colonies.
- However, it is important to note that not all imperialists subscribed to social Darwinism, and other factors, such as economic interests and geopolitical strategies, also influenced New Imperialism.

By following these steps, one can investigate the relationship between social Darwinism and New Imperialism, understanding how the former ideology contributed to the rise and justification of the latter phenomenon.