Not including tax, a total of 19 pens and markers cost $11.50. The pens cost $0.25 each, and the markers cost $0.75 each. Write the system of equations that could be used to solve for the number of pens, p, and the number of markers, m, bought.(4 points)

The number of pens, p, and the number of markers, m, can be represented by the following system of equations:

p + m = 19 (Equation 1)

0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50 (Equation 2)

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assign variables to the number of pens and markers bought: p for pens and m for markers.

We are given the following information:

1) The total cost of 19 pens and markers is $11.50:

The cost of p pens is 0.25p.
The cost of m markers is 0.75m.
So, the total cost is given as: 0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50.

2) The total number of pens and markers is 19:
This can be stated as: p + m = 19.

So we have the system of equations:
0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50,
p + m = 19.

These two equations can be used to solve for the number of pens, p, and the number of markers, m, that were bought.

Let's set up a system of equations to represent the given information.

Let p represent the number of pens bought and m represent the number of markers bought.

1. The total number of pens and markers bought is 19:
p + m = 19

2. The total cost of pens and markers is $11.50:
0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50

The system of equations is:

p + m = 19
0.25p + 0.75m = 11.50