Did you know that learning a second language makes your brain work faster you might experience higher scores in math and benefit in other ways to the guidance counselor me encourage you to take a Spanish or French French class. Next semester. Learn a second language is one of the best decisions you will ever make during your school career how does the writer try to grab the readers attention?

The writer tries to grab the reader's attention by stating a surprising and interesting fact about learning a second language. By mentioning that it can make the brain work faster and potentially lead to higher scores in math, the writer is creating a sense of curiosity and excitement. Additionally, the writer emphasizes the potential benefits of learning a second language and presents it as one of the best decisions the reader can make during their school career. This assertion also serves to grab the reader's attention by highlighting the potential long-term impact of learning a second language.

The writer tries to grab the reader's attention by using persuasive language and highlighting the potential benefits of learning a second language. They mention that learning a second language can make one's brain work faster, improve math scores, and provide various other advantages. By emphasizing the positive outcomes and framing learning a second language as one of the best decisions a student can make during their school career, the writer aims to capture the reader's interest and persuade them to take a Spanish or French class.

The writer tries to grab the reader's attention through several techniques:

1. Use of a statement: The writer starts the paragraph with the statement, "Did you know that learning a second language makes your brain work faster?" This statement immediately grabs the reader's attention as it presents an intriguing fact that the reader may not be aware of.

2. Highlighting potential benefits: The writer mentions that learning a second language can lead to higher scores in math and other benefits, which could pique the reader's interest. By emphasizing the advantages that come with learning a second language, the writer appeals to the reader's desire for personal growth and success.

3. Personal recommendations: The writer mentions that the guidance counselor encouraged the reader to take a Spanish or French class, implying that knowledgeable professionals support the idea. This further emphasizes the value of learning a second language and may convince the reader that it is worth their consideration.

4. Exaggeration and superlatives: The writer states that learning a second language is "one of the best decisions you will ever make during your school career." By using exaggerated language and superlatives, the writer attempts to make the idea of learning a second language seem like a life-changing opportunity, increasing the reader's interest and curiosity.