enhance the following paragraph.

In conclusion, the impact of AI in higher education is a complex matter. While it enhances the learning experience through personalized instruction and administrative support, it also raises concerns about the potential marginalization of human teachers and the neglect of important skills. A balanced approach is necessary, emphasizing the collaborative use of AI and human expertise to optimize learning outcomes in higher education.

In conclusion, the impact of AI in higher education is multi-faceted and requires careful consideration. On one hand, AI has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience by offering personalized instruction and providing efficient administrative support. However, there are also valid concerns about the possible marginalization of human teachers and the overshadowing of essential skills. Therefore, a balanced approach is essential in order to make the best use of AI while also valuing and utilizing human expertise. By emphasizing the collaborative utilization of both AI and human resources, higher education can optimize learning outcomes and ensure a well-rounded education for students.

To enhance the paragraph, consider the following revisions:

In conclusion, the impact of AI in higher education is a multifaceted issue with vast implications. On the one hand, AI plays an instrumental role in enhancing the learning experience by providing tailored instruction and efficient administrative support. However, it also spurs apprehension regarding the possible marginalization of human teachers and the overlooked development of essential skills. To navigate this terrain effectively, it is crucial to adopt a well-rounded approach that emphasizes the collaborative utilization of AI alongside human expertise. This way, we can optimize learning outcomes in higher education while safeguarding the essential role of human educators.

To enhance the paragraph, you can make it more concise and impactful by restructuring and rephrasing certain sentences. Here's an enhanced version:

In conclusion, the impact of AI in higher education is multifaceted. On one hand, it enhances the learning experience by providing tailored instruction and administrative assistance. On the other hand, it raises concerns about the possible marginalization of human teachers and the overlooking of crucial skills. To achieve a balanced approach, it is vital to emphasize the collaborative utilization of AI and human expertise, aiming to optimize learning outcomes in higher education.