Employee Name Years of Higher Education Current Salary

Joslyn Smith 6 $81,500
Heather Miller 2 $38,000
Marie Coolidge
Examine the data table, which shows a list of employees at a company, how many years of higher education they have, and their current salary. Use this table to answer the question.
Complete the missing data in the table above using the following information.

Marie Coolidge is a new employee. She has five years of experience in a similar job, where she was paid $45,000–$65,000. She has four years of higher education. Her current salary will be $55,000.
(1 point)

4, $45,000
4, $45,000

4, $55,000
4, $55,000

5, $50,000
5, $50,000

5, $65,000

Marie Coolidge has four years of higher education and her current salary is $55,000.

To find the missing data for Marie Coolidge, we can use the information given about her previous experience and the salary range for that experience.

According to the information, Marie Coolidge has five years of experience in a similar job and four years of higher education. Her previous salary range was between $45,000 and $65,000, but her current salary is stated to be $55,000.

Since her previous experience and education level align with the other employees in the table, we can conclude that Marie Coolidge's missing data would be 4 years of higher education and a current salary of $55,000.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

4, $55,000

Based on the given information, Marie Coolidge has four years of higher education and her current salary is $55,000.