insert in-text reference in the following paragraph

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience in higher education. However, concerns about the replacement of human teachers and the neglect of critical skills persist. It is important to recognize that AI should not be seen as a substitute for educators, but rather as a supplement. By integrating AI into their teaching practices, teachers can promote personalized learning while continuing to serve as mentors, facilitators, and cultivators of critical thinking abilities. To ensure the responsible use of AI, institutions must prioritize transparency and accountability in their algorithms and systems. Governments and educational bodies should collaborate to establish ethical guidelines and legislation for AI implementation. AI can be utilized by teachers to create and improve educational materials, such as generating automated quizzes and assessments, developing interactive learning modules, and suggesting curriculum enhancements based on student performance analysis. It is crucial for teachers to actively participate in the integration of AI in education to ensure that students not only benefit from the technology but also maintain a human connection and receive a customised approach to learning.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience in higher education (Author, Year). However, concerns about the replacement of human teachers and the neglect of critical skills persist. It is important to recognize that AI should not be seen as a substitute for educators, but rather as a supplement (Author, Year). By integrating AI into their teaching practices, teachers can promote personalized learning while continuing to serve as mentors, facilitators, and cultivators of critical thinking abilities (Author, Year). To ensure the responsible use of AI, institutions must prioritize transparency and accountability in their algorithms and systems (Author, Year). Governments and educational bodies should collaborate to establish ethical guidelines and legislation for AI implementation (Author, Year). AI can be utilized by teachers to create and improve educational materials, such as generating automated quizzes and assessments, developing interactive learning modules, and suggesting curriculum enhancements based on student performance analysis (Author, Year). It is crucial for teachers to actively participate in the integration of AI in education to ensure that students not only benefit from the technology but also maintain a human connection and receive a customized approach to learning (Author, Year).

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience in higher education (LastName, Year). However, concerns about the replacement of human teachers and the neglect of critical skills persist (LastName, Year). It is important to recognize that AI should not be seen as a substitute for educators, but rather as a supplement (LastName, Year). By integrating AI into their teaching practices, teachers can promote personalized learning while continuing to serve as mentors, facilitators, and cultivators of critical thinking abilities (LastName, Year). To ensure the responsible use of AI, institutions must prioritize transparency and accountability in their algorithms and systems (LastName, Year). Governments and educational bodies should collaborate to establish ethical guidelines and legislation for AI implementation (LastName, Year). AI can be utilized by teachers to create and improve educational materials, such as generating automated quizzes and assessments, developing interactive learning modules, and suggesting curriculum enhancements based on student performance analysis (LastName, Year). It is crucial for teachers to actively participate in the integration of AI in education to ensure that students not only benefit from the technology but also maintain a human connection and receive a customised approach to learning (LastName, Year).

To insert an in-text reference in the paragraph, you would need to cite the source from which the information or idea is derived. The specific format for the in-text reference would depend on the citation style you are using (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago). However, regardless of the citation style, you would typically include the author's last name and the year of publication.

For example:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience in higher education (Smith, 2020). However, concerns about the replacement of human teachers and the neglect of critical skills persist. It is important to recognize that AI should not be seen as a substitute for educators, but rather as a supplement.

In this example, "Smith" is the author's last name and "2020" is the year of publication. This information can be used in the in-text reference, and you would also include the full reference in the reference list or bibliography at the end of your document.

Please note that the example above is a fictional reference and you would need to replace it with an actual reference from a credible source to maintain academic integrity. Make sure to consult the specific guidelines of your target citation style for accurate formatting.