Consider the inequality 3( - 1 - x) ≤ -2x - 3x.

The solution set of the inequality is:

(1 point)

{x|xis greater than or equal to 3 halves}

{x|xis less than or equal to 3 halves}

{x|xis greater than or equal to 2 thirds}


To solve the inequality 3(-1 - x) ≤ -2x - 3x, let's simplify the left side first:

3(-1 - x) = -3 - 3x

Substituting this back into the original inequality, we have:

-3 - 3x ≤ -2x -3x

Next, we can combine like terms on both sides:

-3 - 3x ≤ -5x

Now, let's isolate x by adding 3x to both sides:

-3 ≤ -5x + 3x

Simplifying further, we get:

-3 ≤ -2x

To solve for x, divide both sides by -2, remembering to reverse the inequality sign:

-3/-2 ≥ x

This simplifies to:

x ≥ 3/2

Therefore, the solution set of the inequality is:

{x | x ≥ 3/2}


To solve the inequality 3(-1-x) ≤ -2x - 3x, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 3 on the left side of the inequality:
-3 - 3x ≤ -2x - 3x

Step 2: Combine like terms on both sides:
-3 - 3x ≤ -5x

Step 3: Add 5x to both sides to isolate the variable on one side:
5x - 3 - 3x + 5x ≤ -5x + 5x
2x - 3 ≤ 0

Step 4: Add 3 to both sides to get rid of the negative 3:
2x - 3 + 3 ≤ 0 + 3
2x ≤ 3

Step 5: Divide both sides by 2:
2x/2 ≤ 3/2
x ≤ 3/2
The solution to the inequality is x ≤ 3/2.

Thus, the correct solution set of the inequality is:

{x | x ≤ 3/2}