If it takes 2 cups of cocoa to make 9 brownies how many cups does it to take to make 81 brownies?

If it takes 2 cups of cocoa to make 9 brownies, we can set up a ratio to find out how many cups it takes to make 81 brownies.

2 cups cocoa/9 brownies = x cups cocoa/81 brownies

Cross multiplying, we get:

9x = 2 * 81
9x = 162

Dividing both sides by 9, we get:

x = 162/9
x = 18

Therefore, it takes 18 cups of cocoa to make 81 brownies.

To find out how many cups of cocoa it takes to make 81 brownies, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We are told that it takes 2 cups of cocoa to make 9 brownies.

Let's assign variables like this:
Let "x" be the number of cups of cocoa needed to make 81 brownies.

Now, we can set up a proportion:
2 cups of cocoa / 9 brownies = x cups of cocoa / 81 brownies.

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply and then divide:
2 * 81 = 9 * x.

162 = 9 * x.

To isolate "x", we divide both sides by 9:
162 / 9 = x.

Therefore, x = 18.

So, it would take 18 cups of cocoa to make 81 brownies.

To find out how many cups of cocoa is needed to make 81 brownies, we can set up a proportion using the ratio of cocoa to brownies.

Let's represent the number of cups of cocoa needed as "x".

The proportion can be set up as:

2 cups cocoa / 9 brownies = x cups cocoa / 81 brownies

Using cross-multiplication, we can solve for x:

(2 cups cocoa) * (81 brownies) = (9 brownies) * (x cups cocoa)

162 cups cocoa = 9x

Dividing both sides of the equation by 9:

162 cups cocoa / 9 = 9x / 9

18 cups cocoa = x

Therefore, it would take 18 cups of cocoa to make 81 brownies.