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A trail mix recipe calls for 1 cup of nuts for every 2 cups of granola. If you want to make 12 cups of trail mix, how many cups of granola will you need? Use a tape diagram to help organize your thinking.(1 point)
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I apologize for the error. Let's reevaluate the problem.

The recipe calls for 1 cup of nuts for every 2 cups of granola. We are trying to make 12 cups of trail mix.

To determine the number of cups of granola needed, we can set up a proportion:

1 cup of nuts / 2 cups of granola = 4 cups of nuts / X cups of granola

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 * X = 4 * 2
X = 8

Therefore, you will need 8 cups of granola to make 12 cups of trail mix.

No it is wrong

thanks, I got 8 to.

To determine how many cups of granola you will need to make 12 cups of trail mix, you can use a tape diagram:

Let's represent 1 cup of nuts with a square, and 2 cups of granola with 2 rectangles:

[ ] [ ]

According to the trail mix recipe, you need 1 cup of nuts for every 2 cups of granola. Since you want to make 12 cups of trail mix, you will need 6 times the amount of nuts and granola:

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Therefore, you will need 12 cups of granola.

To solve this problem, you need to set up a ratio between the cups of nuts and the cups of granola.

According to the recipe, the ratio of nuts to granola is 1:2. This means that for every 1 cup of nuts, you need 2 cups of granola.

If you want to make 12 cups of trail mix, you'll need to find out how many cups of granola you'll need.

Let's set up a proportion to solve for the cups of granola needed:

1 cup of nuts / 2 cups of granola = 4 cups of nuts / x cups of granola

Now let's solve for x:

1/2 = 4/x

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

1 * x = 2 * 4

x = 8

So you would need 8 cups of granola to make 12 cups of trail mix.

To determine the number of cups of granola needed, we need to first find the ratio of nuts to granola in the trail mix recipe. The recipe calls for 1 cup of nuts for every 2 cups of granola, so the ratio is 1:2.

We can represent this ratio using a tape diagram. Draw a rectangle to represent the total quantity of trail mix, which is 12 cups. Divide the rectangle into two sections, one for nuts and one for granola.

For every 1 cup of nuts, we need 2 cups of granola. So, divide the section for granola into smaller sections, each representing 2 cups of granola. Since we need 12 cups of trail mix, we will need 6 sections of granola.

Counting the number of sections representing granola, we can see that we will need 6 cups of granola for 12 cups of trail mix.

Therefore, you will need 6 cups of granola.