The Mine Safety and Health Administration requires training for miners.true or false


True. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) requires that all miners receive training before they can work in a mine. The training covers various topics related to safety, health hazards, emergency procedures, and other important aspects of working in a mine.


The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) does indeed require training for miners. MSHA is a governmental agency that is responsible for promoting safe and healthy workplaces for miners in the United States. They have established regulations and guidelines to ensure that miners are properly trained to prevent accidents, injuries, and health hazards in mines.

To verify this information, you could visit the official website of MSHA, which is On their website, you can find detailed information about the regulations, standards, and requirements for miners' training. Additionally, you can find resources such as training materials, courses, and programs approved by MSHA.