Use the equation to answer the prompt.

10/6C ---> 10/5 B + 0/+1 e
A student claims that the equation models beta-minus decay because the atomic number of the nucleus decreases by one. In one or two sentences, explain the erro in the student's reasoning.

The error in the student's reasoning is that the equation provided does not accurately represent beta-minus decay, as it does not include the emission of a high-energy electron (e-) and instead includes a "0/+1 e", which is not a valid representation for an electron emission.

The error in the student's reasoning is that they assume the atomic number of the nucleus decreases by one based solely on the equation. However, the equation alone is not enough to determine the change in the atomic number. To understand the decay process, you need to consider the atomic number and mass number of the parent and daughter nuclei.

The error in the student's reasoning is that beta-minus decay involves the emission of a negatively charged beta particle (e-) from the nucleus, which does not affect the atomic number of the nucleus. The atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus, while the beta particle is formed when a neutron in the nucleus is transformed into a proton. Therefore, the atomic number should remain the same or increase in beta-minus decay, rather than decrease as claimed by the student.