Why do most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands? (1 point) Responses because of the abundant rainfall because of the abundant rainfall because of the fertile soil because of the fertile soil because of the isolation from invaders because of the isolation from invaders because of the mild climate conditions because of the mild climate conditions

The correct responses would be:

- Because of the abundant rainfall
- Because of the fertile soil

Most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands because of the abundant rainfall and fertile soil these areas offer.

To understand this, you can first look at the geography of the region. Southeast Asia is characterized by a high number of rivers, such as the Mekong, Irrawaddy, and Indo-Gangetic rivers, which flow through vast delta regions. These river deltas receive a significant amount of rainfall throughout the year, making the land around them well-irrigated. This abundant rainfall creates fertile soil, which is ideal for agriculture.

The volcanic islands in Southeast Asia also provide favorable conditions for human settlement. Volcanic activity in the region has contributed to the formation of fertile volcanic soil, known as Andosols. This fertile soil supports the growth of a wide range of crops, leading to agricultural productivity. Additionally, volcanic islands often have a good supply of water due to the presence of volcanic mountains and high rainfall levels.

Apart from these environmental factors, the proximity of river deltas and volcanic islands in Southeast Asia have also offered natural protection and isolation from invaders throughout history. The complex network of rivers and channels in river deltas, as well as the isolation of volcanic islands, have made it difficult for invaders to penetrate these areas easily.

Lastly, mild climate conditions in Southeast Asia have also played a role in attracting people to live near river deltas and on volcanic islands. The region experiences a tropical climate, characterized by high temperatures and relatively stable weather throughout the year. This favorable climate makes it easier for agriculture to thrive and provides a comfortable living environment for the population.

In conclusion, the reasons why most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands include the abundant rainfall, fertile soil, isolation from invaders, and mild climate conditions that these areas offer.

Most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands because of the fertile soil and abundant rainfall. The volcanic soil is rich in nutrients, making it ideal for agriculture. Additionally, the region experiences high levels of rainfall, which supports the growth of crops and sustains the river systems. This combination of fertile soil and ample water resources makes these areas highly productive for farming and settlement.