Why do most people living in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands?

shut up amoung us

whats the answer

yallah get the answer

whats the answer TvT

Most people living in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands because these areas are typically fertile and offer natural resources such as fish, minerals, and fertile soil for agriculture. The river deltas also provide easy access to transportation and trade. Additionally, the volcanic islands often have geothermal energy that can be harnessed for power.

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Why do most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands?

because of the abundant rainfall

because of the fertile soil

because of the isolation from invaders

because of the mild climate conditions

The correct answer is B. Most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands because these areas are typically fertile and offer natural resources such as fish, minerals, and fertile soil for agriculture.