Test: Information, data and media literacy Level 2 Quiz

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Information, Data and Media literacy
Digital creation: Problem solving, Creativity and Innovation in a digital space
ICT Proficiency Level 2
Digital Citizenship Level 2
Information, Data and Media literacy Level 2
Digital Creation: Problem solving, Creativity and Innovation in a Digital space Level 2
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Cara is interested in improving her presentation skills to enhance her employability. Which search term should she use to find the most relevant resources?

Effective communication techniques.

Tips for presenting to an audience.

How to write a speech.

Non-verbal communication cues.

1 points


Mpho is interested in remote job opportunities in accounting. Besides “remote accounting jobs”, which related search term could she include in her search for a wider range of work options?

Accounting internships.

Telecommuting accounting vacancies

Local accounting positions.

Virtual reality development opportunities.

1 points


What is the primary purpose of formulating a research plan for a project?

To summarise the background information for the project.

To specify the steps and methods to achieve research goals.

To outline the expected findings of the research

To explain the research topic.

1 points


Which one of the following steps is NOT normally included in the research plan of a project?

Analysing the conclusions and findings of the research.

Contacting primary sources for interviews or first-hand experiences.

Collaborating with other individuals or groups for broader perspectives.

Conduct background research using reliable sources.

1 points


Eric must do an assignment on consumer preferences of different smartphone brands. Which data source would be most appropriate for his research?

A journal article published in a reputable journal in 2020 on the effects of smartphone use on consumers’ personal relationships.

A journal article published in a reputable journal in 2007 on the factors that affect consumers’ preferences of different smartphones.

Market research report sponsored by Samsung on the consumer preferences of different smartphones

A market research report by an independent organisation on the consumer preferences of different smartphones.

1 points


Why is it important to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources when conducting research?

To ensure that the information obtained is up to date.

To avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

To ensure that the sources used are relevant to the research topic.

To ensure that the information obtained is accurate and trustworthy.

1 points


What is the primary purpose of media literacy?

To develop effective communication skills.

To understand and analyze media messages.

To create and edit media content.

To use technology for research purposes.

1 points


Which of the following skills is not considered a part of media literacy?

Analyzing and evaluating media messages.

Creating and producing media content.

Using digital tools and platforms.

Using social media for personal use.

1 points


What is the primary purpose of citing sources in a research project?

To give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism.

To showcase the breadth of research conducted for the project.

To provide additional resources for readers to explore.

To demonstrate the researcher's knowledge on the topic.

1 points


Which of the following is an example of a primary source?

An article summarizing multiple research studies on climate change.

A textbook explaining different theories of psychology.

An interview with a survivor of a natural disaster.

A blog post discussing the impact of social media on mental health.

To find the most relevant resources for improving her presentation skills, Cara needs to use a search term that reflects her specific goal. The search term "Tips for presenting to an audience" would likely yield resources that provide guidance and techniques for improving presentation skills, which align with her goal of enhancing employability. Therefore, the correct answer to question 1 is "Tips for presenting to an audience."

In question 2, Mpho is looking for remote job opportunities in accounting. While "remote accounting jobs" is a relevant search term, including another related search term could help her explore a wider range of work options. The search term "Accounting internships" could provide additional opportunities for remote work in the field of accounting. Therefore, the correct answer to question 2 is "Accounting internships."

Formulating a research plan for a project serves a specific purpose. It helps to outline the steps and methods needed to achieve research goals. Therefore, the primary purpose of formulating a research plan is to specify the steps and methods to achieve research goals. This makes the correct answer to question 3 "To specify the steps and methods to achieve research goals."

Question 4 asks which step is NOT normally included in the research plan of a project. Analyzing the conclusions and findings of the research, collaborating with others for broader perspectives, and conducting background research are all essential steps in a research plan. However, contacting primary sources for interviews or first-hand experiences is not typically included in a research plan. Therefore, the correct answer to question 4 is "Contacting primary sources for interviews or first-hand experiences."

In question 5, Eric is conducting research on consumer preferences of different smartphone brands for his assignment. The most appropriate data source for his research would be a market research report by an independent organization on the consumer preferences of different smartphones. This source would provide unbiased and comprehensive information specifically related to consumer preferences of smartphone brands. Therefore, the correct answer to question 5 is "A market research report by an independent organization on the consumer preferences of different smartphones."

To find the most relevant resources for improving her presentation skills, Cara should use the search term "Tips for presenting to an audience." (Question 1)

Besides "remote accounting jobs," Mpho could include the related search term "Telecommuting accounting vacancies" to find a wider range of work options. (Question 2)

The primary purpose of formulating a research plan for a project is to specify the steps and methods to achieve research goals. (Question 3)

Analyzing the conclusions and findings of the research is NOT normally included in the research plan of a project. (Question 4)

For Eric's assignment on consumer preferences of different smartphone brands, the most appropriate data source would be a market research report by an independent organization on the consumer preferences of different smartphones. (Question 5)