When creating digital content, defining who your target audience is and determining the purpose of your content will form part of your… 

digital skills. 

digital plan. 

digital preference. 

digital content strategy

digital content strategy

The correct answer is "digital content strategy." When creating digital content, defining your target audience and determining the purpose of your content are crucial steps in developing a solid digital content strategy. These steps help you understand who your content is intended for and what goals you are trying to achieve with your content, ensuring that you create content that is relevant, engaging, and effective.

The correct answer is "digital content strategy." When creating digital content, it is important to have a clear understanding of who your target audience is and what the purpose of your content is. This information helps you align your content with the interests and needs of your audience, making it more relevant and effective. To develop a digital content strategy, you need to define your target audience (such as age group, interests, demographics, etc.) and determine the purpose of your content (such as educating, entertaining, promoting products, etc.). By doing so, you can tailor your content to meet the specific needs of your target audience and achieve your desired goals.