How many kilograms are in 125 pounds? There are about 2.2 pounds in one kilogram.(1 point)


56.8181 kilograms

To convert pounds to kilograms, you can use the conversion factor of 2.2 pounds per kilogram.

To find the answer, you need to multiply the number of pounds by the conversion factor:

125 pounds * (1 kilogram / 2.2 pounds) = 56.82 kilograms

Therefore, there are approximately 56.82 kilograms in 125 pounds.

To convert pounds to kilograms, you can use the conversion factor of 2.2 pounds per kilogram.

First, you need to divide the number of pounds by the conversion factor:

125 pounds / 2.2 pounds/kilogram = 56.8182 kilograms

Rounded to the nearest kilogram, 125 pounds is approximately equal to 57 kilograms.


Apologies for the mistake. Let's calculate it again:

To convert pounds to kilograms, you can use the conversion factor of 0.453592 kilograms per pound.

To find the answer, you need to multiply the number of pounds by the conversion factor:

125 pounds * (0.453592 kilograms / 1 pound) = 56.699 kilograms

Therefore, there are approximately 56.699 kilograms in 125 pounds.

Give me the exact number

I apologize for the previous rounding error.

To convert pounds to kilograms, you can use the conversion factor of 0.453592 kilograms per pound.

To find the exact number, you need to multiply the number of pounds by the conversion factor:

125 pounds * (0.453592 kilograms / 1 pound) = 56.699 kilograms

Therefore, there are exactly 56.699 kilograms in 125 pounds.


Apologies for the confusion.

To convert pounds to kilograms, you can use the conversion factor of 0.453592 kilograms per pound.

To find the exact number, you need to multiply the number of pounds by the conversion factor:

125 pounds * (0.453592 kilograms / 1 pound) = 56.699 kilograms

Rounded to two decimal places, there are approximately 56.70 kilograms in 125 pounds.
