n entrepreneur organizes __________ for production.(1 point) Responses new ideas new ideas capital and resources capital and resources raw materials raw materials skills and machinery

skills and machinery

An entrepreneur organizes capital and resources for production.

To understand this answer, we can break down the options and determine which one aligns with the role of an entrepreneur in production.

- "New ideas": While entrepreneurs often come up with new ideas for products or business ventures, organizing new ideas alone does not directly relate to production. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

- "Capital and resources": Entrepreneurs are responsible for gathering and organizing the necessary capital (funds) and resources (such as equipment, technology, and facilities) to support the production process. This includes securing finances, negotiating contracts, and managing the allocation of resources. Hence, this option accurately represents the action an entrepreneur takes in organizing production.

- "Raw materials": While entrepreneurs may play a role in determining the sourcing and procurement of raw materials, this component is only a part of the larger process of organizing capital and resources. Therefore, "raw materials" alone does not fully capture the scope of an entrepreneur's role.

- "Skills and machinery": While entrepreneurs may need to leverage skills and machinery to carry out production, the primary responsibility of an entrepreneur is to organize the necessary resources and capital, rather than directly providing skills or operating machinery. Thus, this option is less relevant to the specific question at hand.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is "capital and resources."

An entrepreneur organizes capital and resources for production.