The letter Z illustrates alternate interior angles. Which letter illustrates corresponding angles?

a. X
b. N
c. T
d. F

d. F

To determine which letter illustrates corresponding angles, we first need to understand what corresponding angles are.

Corresponding angles are formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. They are pairs of angles that have the same relative position at each intersection. In other words, the angles are in the same position on the corresponding sides of the transversal.

In the given options, the letter X would illustrate corresponding angles.

To understand this, we can visualize two parallel lines intersected by a transversal and see which letter represents the corresponding angles. Since X is formed by the intersection of the two lines and has angles on corresponding sides, it would be the correct choice.

So the answer is option a. X.

The letter that illustrates corresponding angles is b. N.