What is the relationship between angle 6 and angle 7?(1 point)


corresponding angles
corresponding angles

vertical angles
vertical angles

alternate exterior angles
alternate exterior angles

alternate interior angles
alternate interior angles

alternate interior angles

The relationship between angle 6 and angle 7 is that they are alternate interior angles.

The relationship between angle 6 and angle 7 can be determined by understanding the properties of angles and their relationships in a geometric figure.

In this case, the answer is "corresponding angles."

To identify corresponding angles, you need to look at the positions of angle 6 and angle 7 in relation to a transversal line intersecting two parallel lines. Corresponding angles are formed when a transversal crosses the two parallel lines and the angles are in corresponding positions.

In this scenario, angle 6 and angle 7 are in matching positions on different intersected lines. They are on the same side of the transversal, one on the top and one on the bottom. Therefore, they are corresponding angles.