which of the following was one of the influences of the roman republic in the framing of the constitution?

a. a centralized government that provides for more order.
b. elected representatives who are the voice of the people.
c. a judicial system that is controlled by the people.
d. a democratic government run by the people.

b. elected representatives who are the voice of the people.

One of the influences of the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution was:

b. elected representatives who are the voice of the people.

The concept of elected representatives, who serve as the voice of the people, was embraced by the framers of the Constitution. This idea draws inspiration from the Roman Republic, where citizens elected officials to represent their interests and make decisions on their behalf.

To find the answer to this question, we need to examine the influences of the Roman Republic on the framing of the Constitution. The Roman Republic, a form of government that existed in ancient Rome, played a significant role in shaping democratic principles and institutions.

Let's examine the options provided:

a. A centralized government that provides for more order: The Roman Republic had a system of government that included a central authority, known as the Senate, which was responsible for making laws and governing the state. However, this centralization of power did not directly influence the framing of the Constitution.

b. Elected representatives who are the voice of the people: This option aligns with one of the core features of the Roman Republic. During the Republic, Romans elected officials, such as consuls and senators, to represent their interests in the government. This system of elected representatives can be seen as an influence on the Constitution.

c. A judicial system that is controlled by the people: The Roman Republic had a legal system where judges were appointed by elected officials, which provided some degree of control by the people. However, the specific influence of this system on the framing of the Constitution is debatable.

d. A democratic government run by the people: The Roman Republic is often considered an early example of a democratic government, where citizens had the right to vote and participate in political decision-making. This form of government certainly had a significant influence on the framers of the Constitution.

Based on these considerations, both options b and d align closely with the influences of the Roman Republic on the framing of the Constitution. Thus, the correct answer is probably a combination of both options b and d: elected representatives who are the voice of the people and a democratic government run by the people.

Habeas corpus guarantees which right?

a. the right to vote.
b. the right to have a fair trial.
c. the right to be free unless charged with a crime.
d. the right to speak freely.

b. the right to have a fair trial.