Which of the following most accurately assesses the long-term implications of Ivan IV’s time as ruler of the Russian Empire?(1 point)


The role of the tsar did not continue past Ivan IV’s rule, making the title largely ineffective.
The role of the tsar did not continue past Ivan IV’s rule, making the title largely ineffective.

The gentry became increasingly hostile to the tsar, making the tsar’s struggles for power worse.
The gentry became increasingly hostile to the tsar, making the tsar’s struggles for power worse.

The Russian Orthodox Christian Church separated from the tsar and was no longer an important institution.
The Russian Orthodox Christian Church separated from the tsar and was no longer an important institution.

His struggles with the boyars led them to continue to decline in power and status in the years after his rule.

His struggles with the boyars led them to continue to decline in power and status in the years after his rule.

The correct response is: His struggles with the boyars led them to continue to decline in power and status in the years after his rule.

To assess the long-term implications of Ivan IV's time as ruler of the Russian Empire, we need to analyze the given responses and determine which one is most accurate.

Response 1 suggests that the role of the tsar did not continue past Ivan IV's rule, making the title largely ineffective. To verify this claim, we can research the historical period following Ivan IV's reign and look for evidence of the continued existence or effectiveness of the tsar's role.

Response 2 suggests that the gentry became increasingly hostile to the tsar, making the tsar's struggles for power worse. To validate this claim, we can study historical sources or scholarly articles that discuss the relationship between Ivan IV and the gentry during his rule, as well as any consequences of this relationship in the long term.

Response 3 suggests that the Russian Orthodox Christian Church separated from the tsar and was no longer an important institution. To verify this claim, we can examine historical records or scholarly research on the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and Ivan IV during his rule, as well as any impact on the church's influence after his reign.

Response 4 suggests that Ivan IV's struggles with the boyars led them to continue to decline in power and status in the years after his rule. To substantiate this claim, we can look for historical sources or scholarly articles discussing the relationship between Ivan IV and the boyars, as well as any consequences of this relationship on the boyars' power and status in the long term.

By conducting further research, examining historical records, and consulting academic sources, we can determine which of the given responses accurately assesses the long-term implications of Ivan IV's time as ruler of the Russian Empire.