About how many pounds are in 56 kilograms? There are about 2.2 pounds in one kilogram.(1 point)


25.4 pounds
25.4 pounds

53.8 pounds
53.8 pounds

123.2 pounds
123.2 pounds

58.2 pounds

The correct answer is 123.2 pounds.

To convert kilograms to pounds, you can use the conversion factor of 2.2 pounds for every kilogram. So, to find the answer, multiply 56 kilograms by 2.2 pounds per kilogram.

56 kilograms * 2.2 pounds/kilogram = 123.2 pounds

Therefore, there are about 123.2 pounds in 56 kilograms.

To convert kilograms to pounds, you need to multiply the number of kilograms by the conversion factor, which is 2.2 pounds per kilogram.

So, to find out how many pounds are in 56 kilograms, you need to multiply 56 by 2.2.

56 kilograms * 2.2 pounds/kilogram = 123.2 pounds

Therefore, the correct answer is 123.2 pounds.