Which country has a national Ceviche Day?

Peru has a national Ceviche Day. It is celebrated on June 28th each year. Ceviche is considered one of Peru's national dishes and is an integral part of their culinary culture.

The country that has a national Ceviche Day is Peru.

To find out which country has a national Ceviche Day, you can try the following steps:

1. Start by conducting a search online. Open your preferred search engine and enter keywords such as "national Ceviche Day country" or "country with Ceviche Day."

2. Check authoritative culinary sources and food-related websites as they often provide information on national food celebrations or food-related events.

3. Look for food blogs or websites dedicated to Latin American cuisine. Ceviche is a popular dish in many Latin American countries, so these sources might provide insights into any national celebrations related to Ceviche.

4. Consider searching for official government websites or tourism websites of different countries known for their Ceviche culture. These websites may highlight national food celebrations and events.

5. Look for news articles or press releases related to Ceviche Day celebrations. Local news outlets or online publications might cover national celebrations or events related to Ceviche.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information and find out which country has a national Ceviche Day.