Single-celled organisms utilize organelles to maintain homeostasis, while large multicellular organisms, such as humans, use organs to maintain homeostasis. How are organelles and organs similar?


Organelles have similar regulatory functions to organs.
Organelles are similar in structure to organs.
Organs are specialized for metabolism while organelles are specialized for homeostasis.
Organelles are specialized for cellular respiration while organs are specialized for breathing.


Organelles are similar in structure to organs.

The correct answer is b) Organelles are similar in structure to organs.

Both organelles and organs are structures within cells or organisms that have specific functions. They are similar in the sense that they are both specialized structures that contribute to the overall functioning of the cell or organism.

Organelles are found within cells and are capable of performing specific functions to help maintain homeostasis. Examples of organelles include the mitochondria, which is responsible for cellular respiration, and the nucleus, which houses the genetic material of the cell.

Organs, on the other hand, are found in multicellular organisms and are made up of different tissues that work together to perform specific functions. For example, the heart is an organ that is specialized for pumping blood throughout the body, and the lungs are organs that are specialized for breathing.

Although organelles and organs function at different scales (organelles function within individual cells, while organs function within whole organisms), they share similarities in terms of their specialized structures and specific functions. Therefore, option b) is the correct answer.

b) Organelles are similar in structure to organs.

Explanation: Both organelles and organs are structures within cells or organisms that have specialized functions. Organelles are found within cells and are responsible for carrying out specific tasks such as energy production, protein synthesis, and waste removal. Organs, on the other hand, are made up of groups of tissues and are found in multicellular organisms. They perform specific functions necessary for the overall functioning of the organism, such as the heart for pumping blood or the lungs for gas exchange.

While organelles and organs may differ in their size and complexity, they share a similarity in that they are both organized structures with distinctive functions. This makes option b) the correct answer.