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One impact of obtaining nonrenewable resources is the destruction of habitats and ecosystems. As the population increases, so does the demand for resources, leading to increased extraction and damage to natural environments. Another impact is the release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants during extraction and use of nonrenewable resources, contributing to climate change and air pollution, which can negatively impact human health. As population growth continues, these impacts are likely to worsen unless sustainable solutions are implemented.

Obtaining nonrenewable resources destructs habitats and ecosystems and as the population grows, the demand for resources increases, causing more extraction and damage to natural environments. Additionally, the extraction and use of nonrenewable resources release greenhouse gases and other pollutants, leading to climate change and air pollution, both of which can harm human health. If sustainable solutions are not adopted, these impacts will likely worsen with the ongoing population growth.

Obtaining nonrenewable resources results in the destruction of habitats and ecosystems, as well as increased extraction and damage to natural environments due to the growing population and resource demand. Additionally, the extraction and use of these resources release greenhouse gases and other pollutants, contributing to climate change, air pollution, and potential health issues for humans. Unless sustainable measures are put in place, these impacts are expected to worsen with ongoing population growth.

The extraction of nonrenewable resources leads to habitat destruction and ecosystem degradation, affecting the biodiversity and natural balance of environments. Additionally, the increasing demand for these resources due to population growth further exacerbates the damage caused to the environment. Furthermore, the extraction and utilization of nonrenewable resources release greenhouse gases and other pollutants, contributing to climate change, air pollution, and potential health consequences for humans. Sustaining these impacts will require the implementation of sustainable alternatives and practices.