To find the number of feet the diver is above the ocean at 2 seconds, we need to evaluate the formula 75 - 16t2 squared, where t is the time in seconds.

To find the number of feet the diver is above the ocean at 2 seconds, we need to evaluate the formula 75 - 16t^2, where t is the time in seconds.

So, substituting t = 2 into the formula, we get:
75 - 16(2)^2
75 - 16(4)
75 - 64

Therefore, the number of feet the diver is above the ocean at 2 seconds is 11 feet.

To find the number of feet the diver is above the ocean at 2 seconds, plug in the value of t = 2 into the given formula:

75 - 16 * (2^2)

First, solve inside the parentheses:

2^2 = 4

Now substitute this value into the formula:

75 - 16 * 4


75 - 64



Therefore, the diver is 11 feet above the ocean at 2 seconds.

To find the number of feet the diver is above the ocean at 2 seconds, we need to substitute t = 2 into the given formula:

h(t) = 75 - 16t^2

Replacing t with 2, we get:

h(2) = 75 - 16(2)^2


h(2) = 75 - 16(4)

h(2) = 75 - 64

h(2) = 11

Therefore, the diver is 11 feet above the ocean at 2 seconds.