
Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.
Ms. Reyes, my English teacher, is fluent in Spanish and French.
(1 point)

adjective phrase

adverb phrase

appositive phrase

appositive phrase

The underlined phrase "my English teacher" is an appositive phrase, as it renames or identifies the noun "Ms. Reyes."

To identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in the sentence, we can start by understanding what each choice means.

1. Adjective phrase: This is a phrase that functions as an adjective, providing information about a noun or pronoun. It usually describes or modifies the noun or pronoun.
2. Adverb phrase: This is a phrase that functions as an adverb, providing information about a verb, adjective, or adverb. It usually describes how, when, where, or to what extent an action is done.
3. Appositive phrase: This is a phrase that renames or explains a noun or pronoun right beside it.

In the given sentence, "my English teacher" is the noun being described or explained. The underlined phrase, "Ms. Reyes," provides additional information about the noun. It is not describing how, when, where, or to what extent an action is done, so it is not an adverb phrase. It is also not renaming or explaining the noun, so it is not an appositive phrase. Instead, it is providing information about the noun, making it an adjective phrase.

Therefore, the correct choice is:

- Adjective phrase.