Use the table to convert cups to pints, using the ratio 1pint = 2cups

Cups 2 4 6 8 10

Pints 1 2 3 4 5

How many pints are equal to 8 cups?

(1 point)

According to the table, 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.

To convert cups to pints, we use the ratio 1 pint = 2 cups.

Given that 8 cups are equal to x pints, we can set up the following equation:

8 cups = x pints

Next, we can rearrange the equation to solve for x:

x = 8 cups / 2 cups per pint

x = 4 pints

Therefore, 8 cups are equal to 4 pints.

To convert cups to pints using the given ratio, we know that 1 pint is equal to 2 cups.

Looking at the table, we can see that 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.

Therefore, 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.