Use the table to convert cups to pints, using the ratio 1 pint = 2 cups. Cups 2 4 6 8 10 Pints 1 2 3 4 5 How many pints are equal to 8 cups? (1 point)

here are all the answers for the practice test: Convert Measurements To Proportions

1. 4
2. 11
3. 2,750
4. 21
5. 6

I will get the rest of the answers for the actual test

Ight so for the first question well: for part A: The entire cost of the car ($21,345) plus the $2,500 upgrade is $21,345 + $2,500 = $23,845.

For Part B: 7/100 = x/$23,845 "x" represents the amount we want to find, which is 7% of the total cost. To solve the proportion, we can cross-multiply: 100x = 7 * $23,845 Next, we can solve for "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 100: x = (7 * $23,845) / 100 Now, we can calculate the value of "x" by multiplying 7 with $23,845 and then dividing the result by 100. Let's do the math: x = ($166,915) / 100 x = $1,669.15 Therefore, 7% of the total cost ($23,845) is $1,669.15

And For Part C: First, calculate the cost of the upgrades by adding $21,345 and $2,500: $21,345 + $2,500 = $23,845 Then calculate the sales tax by multiplying $23,845 by 7%: $23,845 x 0.07 = $1,668.15 Then add the cost of the upgrades and the sales tax to find the total loan amount: $23,845 + $1,668.15 = $25,513.15 Rounded to the nearest whole number, Sophia's total loan amount, including upgrades and sales tax, is $25,513.

and now for all the other questions:
2. 21 days
3. $14.00 per hour
4. 567 girls out of 850 kids
5. 638 students that can take Spanish
6. $6,600
7. 43% increase
8. 84kg

I didn't sacrifice my grade for this or anything, it was kind of easy to figure it out but anyway, yall stay blessed, and I'll see yall later

According to the table, 1 pint is equal to 2 cups. Therefore, to calculate how many pints are equal to 8 cups, we divide 8 by 2.

8 cups / 2 cups/pint = 4 pints.

Therefore, 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.