Bertha works in advertising. What is

MOST likely true about advertising?

O It is funded by government agencies.
• It is regulated by the CDC and
the SBA.
O ' tries to get people to take
O mescave.?romotes a postlive

O It tries to get people to take action.

The most likely true statement about advertising is that it tries to get people to take action.

To determine what is most likely true about advertising, we can evaluate the different options provided:

1. It is funded by government agencies: While some advertising campaigns may receive funding from government agencies in certain cases, such as public service announcements or government initiatives, advertising as a whole is not typically funded by government agencies. Therefore, this option is not the most likely answer.

2. It is regulated by the CDC and the SBA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) are regulatory bodies that oversee specific aspects of public health and small businesses, respectively. While they may have guidelines or regulations related to advertising in their respective domains, they do not regulate advertising as a whole. Hence, this option is also not the most likely answer.

3. It tries to get people to take action: This option is most likely true. The primary objective of advertising is to influence consumer behavior and encourage individuals to take action, such as purchasing a product or service, supporting a cause, or changing their attitudes or behaviors.

4. It promotes a positive: It seems like there is a missing word or phrase in this option ("mescave.?romotes a postlive"), making it difficult to interpret. Based on the incomplete statement, it is unclear how it relates to advertising, and thus, it cannot be determined if this option is most likely true.

In conclusion, the most likely true statement about advertising is that it tries to get people to take action.