In Ancient Egypt the pharaoh governed by relying on blank just below the pharaoh were blank who helped the pharaoh govern Egypt blank kept records for egypts government

In Ancient Egypt, the pharaoh governed by relying on a bureaucracy. Just below the pharaoh were officials who helped the pharaoh govern Egypt. These officials kept records for Egypt's government.

In Ancient Egypt, the pharaoh governed by relying on a system of government officials. Just below the pharaoh were viziers who helped the pharaoh govern Egypt. Viziers were the highest-ranking officials and acted as advisors to the pharaoh, overseeing the administration of the kingdom.

To find this information, you can start by researching Ancient Egypt and its governmental structure. Books, articles, and reputable online sources can provide reliable information about the pharaoh's rule and the roles of different officials in Ancient Egyptian society. It is important to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and gather a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

In Ancient Egypt, the pharaoh governed by relying on a few key elements:

1. Government Officials: Just below the pharaoh were government officials who helped the pharaoh govern Egypt. These officials held different positions and were responsible for various aspects of the administration, such as taxation, law enforcement, and overseeing public works.

2. Council of Advisors: The pharaoh also relied on a council of advisors comprised of high-ranking officials, priests, and military leaders. They offered guidance and counsel to the pharaoh on matters of governance, religious rituals, and military strategies.

3. Bureaucracy: Egypt had a complex bureaucratic system consisting of scribes and administrators who served under the pharaoh. These individuals were responsible for recording and keeping track of important documents, managing resources, and implementing the pharaoh's directives.

4. Record-Keeping: Scribes played a crucial role in maintaining records for Egypt's government. They were trained to read, write, and document various aspects of the administration, including tax records, legal decrees, and correspondence with other rulers. These records helped the pharaoh make informed decisions and maintain control over different regions of Egypt.

Overall, the pharaoh relied on government officials, a council of advisors, a bureaucratic system, and scribes for governance and record-keeping in Ancient Egypt.