Identify which of the following are key teachings of Judaism, by dragging them into the box

- Belief in one God

- Observance of the Sabbath
- Observance of dietary laws
- Following the Ten Commandments
- Importance of family and community
- Pursuit of justice and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world)
- Study and interpretation of the Torah

As an AI text-based model, I can't perform drag-and-drop actions. However, I can list the key teachings of Judaism for you:

1. Monotheism: Judaism emphasizes the belief in one God.
2. Covenant: Jews believe in the covenant between God and the Jewish people, which includes the observance of God's commandments.
3. Torah: The Torah, including the Ten Commandments, serves as the fundamental religious text and guide for Jewish life.
4. Tikkun Olam: Jews are encouraged to actively participate in repairing the world and making it a better place.
5. Justice and Ethics: Judaism places a strong emphasis on moral and ethical behavior, including treating others with kindness, justice, and fairness.
6. Shabbat: Observing the Sabbath, from sunset on Friday until nightfall on Saturday, is a key practice in Judaism.
7. Life after Death: Judaism teaches that there is an afterlife, yet the specific details are subject to various interpretations.
8. Prayer and Worship: Regular prayer and communal worship are central aspects of Jewish religious life.

These are some of the key teachings, but Judaism encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices that may vary among different Jewish communities and branches of Judaism.

As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to engage in a visual or interactive way, such as dragging elements into a box. However, I can certainly provide you with a list of key teachings in Judaism. Here are some central teachings of Judaism:

1. Monotheism: Judaism teaches the belief in one God, who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere.

2. Covenant: Judaism emphasizes the concept of a covenant or agreement between God and the Jewish people, as seen in the Torah (the Jewish sacred texts). This covenant includes certain obligations and responsibilities for both parties.

3. Torah: The Torah, which consists of the five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), is considered the central text in Judaism. It contains moral, ethical, and legal teachings of God.

4. Justice and righteousness: Judaism emphasizes the importance of justice, compassion, and ethical behavior in personal, communal, and social aspects of life.

5. Tikkun Olam: This term means "repairing the world" and represents the concept of social justice and making the world a better place through acts of kindness, charity, and working towards equality and peace.

6. Prayer and Worship: Judaism places importance on prayer and regular worship, both in individual and communal settings.

7. Study and Education: Judaism encourages the pursuit of knowledge and study, considering it a religious obligation.

These are just a few key teachings of Judaism, and there are many other aspects that contribute to the rich and diverse tradition of Judaism.