identify which of the following are key teachings of Judaism by dragging them into the box.

1. love your neighbor 2. Observe the sabbath 3. Slavery is forbidden 4. do not make war 5. righteousness

1. love your neighbor

2. Observe the sabbath
3. Slavery is forbidden
5. righteousness

The key teachings of Judaism include:

1. Love your neighbor
2. Observe the Sabbath
3. Slavery is forbidden
5. Righteousness

Please note that "do not make war" is not a key teaching explicitly stated but can be interpreted from the principles of peace and justice emphasized in Judaism.

To identify which of the following are key teachings of Judaism, let's examine each option and see if it aligns with the principles of Judaism:

1. Love your neighbor: This is a key teaching in Judaism, as it is derived from the Torah and known as the "Golden Rule." It emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

2. Observe the Sabbath: Observing the Sabbath is indeed a key teaching in Judaism. Jews are commanded to set aside the seventh day of the week (Saturday) as a day of rest and spiritual reflection.

3. Slavery is forbidden: While Judaism promotes ethical treatment of others, including humane treatment of slaves if they existed in ancient times, it does not explicitly forbid slavery as a key teaching.

4. Do not make war: Judaism does not disallow war in all circumstances. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of pursuing peace whenever possible, but acknowledges that there may be times when armed conflict is necessary for self-defense or protecting others.

5. Righteousness: Righteousness is a broader concept that encompasses various aspects of ethical behavior, which are central to Judaism's teachings. It includes acts of kindness, justice, and charity.

Based on the principles of Judaism, the key teachings that can be identified from the given options are:
1. Love your neighbor
2. Observe the Sabbath
5. Righteousness

You can drag these options into the box.