Use the table to answer the question.

Item 1

Comparing the Interpretations of the Constitution

Item 2


Liberal Constructionism

The Fifteenth Amendment protects
the rights of all races to the right to
vote and this includes restricting the
power of states to write voting laws
when these violate civil rights.

What is the best interpretation to insert in the first column
of the table? (1 point)

The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races
to vote, and the states retain the power to write their own
voting laws.
The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races
to vote and this includes federal powers to supervise
state elections.
The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races
to vote, and gives it Congress the power to write and
pass national voting laws.
The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races
to vote, and the Supreme Court has the power of judicial
review of state voting laws.

The best interpretation to insert in the first column of the table is: The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote, and the states retain the power to write their own voting laws.

The best interpretation to insert in the first column of the table would be:

The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote, and the states retain the power to write their own voting laws.

To determine the best interpretation to insert in the first column of the table, we need to analyze the information provided in the items and consider the principles of strict constructionism and liberal constructionism.

In strict constructionism, the interpretation of the Constitution is based on a narrow and literal reading of the text, without any implied powers. On the other hand, liberal constructionism allows for a broader interpretation of the Constitution, taking into account implied powers and adapting to changing societal needs.

Looking at the provided statement, "The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to the right to vote and this includes restricting the power of states to write voting laws when these violate civil rights," we can analyze the different interpretations:

1. The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote, and the states retain the power to write their own voting laws. (strict constructionism)
This interpretation aligns with the principles of strict constructionism as it suggests that the states have the freedom to write their own voting laws without any restriction from the Fifteenth Amendment. However, this interpretation does not consider the fact that the states' power to write voting laws can be limited if they violate civil rights.

2. The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote and this includes federal powers to supervise state elections. (liberal constructionism)
This interpretation aligns with the principles of liberal constructionism as it suggests that the Fifteenth Amendment grants federal powers to supervise state elections, ensuring the protection of voting rights for all races. It acknowledges the need for federal intervention when state laws violate civil rights.

3. The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote, and gives Congress the power to write and pass national voting laws. (liberal constructionism)
This interpretation, similar to the previous one, aligns with liberal constructionism. It suggests that the Fifteenth Amendment not only protects the rights of all races to vote but also empowers Congress to pass national voting laws to ensure the protection of these rights.

4. The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote, and the Supreme Court has the power of judicial review of state voting laws. (liberal constructionism)
This interpretation also aligns with liberal constructionism principles. It recognizes that the Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote and grants the Supreme Court the power of judicial review to ensure that state voting laws do not violate these rights.

Considering the information provided, the interpretation that best fits in the first column of the table would be option 2: "The Fifteenth Amendment protects the rights of all races to vote, and this includes federal powers to supervise state elections." This interpretation aligns with the principles of liberal constructionism by acknowledging the need for federal powers to ensure voting rights are protected.