Find the cubic root 32.

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra ( × ) keyboard.

The cubic root (∛) of 32 is 2.

To find the cubic root of 32, follow these steps:

1. Write down the number 32.
2. Find the symbol for the cubic root (∛) and place it before 32.
3. The expression should now look like this: ∛32.
4. To calculate the cubic root of 32, find the number that when multiplied by itself three times (cubed) equals 32.
5. Start with a guess. For example, start with 2: ∛32 ≈ 2.
6. Cube the guess: 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.
7. Check if the cube of the guess equals 32. If it does not, adjust the guess up or down.
8. Continue adjusting the guess and cubing it until you find the value that approximately equals 32.
9. After a few attempts, you will find that the cubic root of 32 is approximately 3.174.
10. Thus, the cubic root of 32 is ∛32 ≈ 3.174.

To find the cubic root of 32, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by opening an Algebra keyboard that allows you to access the cubic root symbol ( ∛ ).

Step 2: Enter the number 32.

Step 3: Look for the cubic root symbol (∛) in the Algebra keyboard and insert it before the number 32.

Step 4: Calculate the value of the expression. The cubic root of 32 (∛32) is equal to 2.