Tell me the correct answer

What is a source?
(1 point)

The conclusion of a story
The conclusion of a story

A person, document or place where information originates
A person, document or place where information originates

The place where journalists write their stories
The place where journalists write their stories

The first sentence of a story

A person, document or place where information originates

The correct answer is: A person, document or place where information originates.

The correct answer is:

A person, document or place where information originates.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and analyze the options.

The question asks for the definition of a source. To determine the correct answer, we can evaluate the options provided:

- "The conclusion of a story": This option does not align with the definition of a source. The conclusion of a story refers to the ending or final outcome, rather than where information originates.

- "A person, document or place where information originates": This option accurately defines a source. A source can be a person who provides information, a document that contains information, or a place where information can be found.

- "The place where journalists write their stories": While journalists may utilize sources in their research and writing, this option refers more to the location where journalists work, rather than the definition of a source.

- "The first sentence of a story": This option does not provide an accurate definition of a source. The first sentence of a story is typically an introductory statement, not a person, document, or place where information originates.

Therefore, the correct answer is "A person, document or place where information originates."