Choose the meaning of the bold word. What are the words that can solder cracked pride? (“The Scarlet Ibis") (1 point) Responses mend mend alert alert calm calm upse

The bold word "solder" means to mend or repair.

In order to determine the meaning of the bold word, we need to look at the context in which it appears. In the given phrase "solder cracked pride," the word "solder" is used as a verb. "Solder" traditionally refers to the act of joining together metal pieces with a heated tool. However, in this context, it is being used metaphorically since pride cannot physically crack like metal.

In the story "The Scarlet Ibis," the phrase suggests that there are words or actions that can repair, mend, or heal wounded pride. So, the meaning of the word "solder" in this context is to mend or repair. Therefore, the correct answer is "mend."

The meaning of the bold word "solder" in the given sentence is to mend or repair. "Solder" is a verb that means to join or mend with solder, which is a low-melting alloy used to join or mend metals together. In the context of the sentence, it means to mend or fix cracked pride.