Choose the meaning of the bold word. The magnitude of the disaster is hard to imagine. (1 point) size pain debris effect


Choose the meaning of the bold word.

The epicenter of the 9.0 magnitude quake was under the Indian Ocean near the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra . . . (from “The Deadliest Tsunami in History?”)
(1 point)


original source
original source

point of earth directly above
point of earth directly above




Identify the complete sentence.
(1 point)

Chocolate milk, chocolate fudge, ice cream, and candy.
Chocolate milk, chocolate fudge, ice cream, and candy.

The average American nearly twelve pounds of chocolate each year.
The average American nearly twelve pounds of chocolate each year.

The scientific name for chocolate is Theobrina cacao.
The scientific name for chocolate is Theobrina cacao.

Loosely translated to "the food of the gods."

The scientific name for chocolate is Theobrina cacao.

Identify the complete sentence.

(1 point)

Anne E. Kelley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin.
Anne E. Kelley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin.

Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate.
Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate.

Including something called phenylethylamine.
Including something called phenylethylamine.

May actually prevent several serious diseases.

May actually prevent several serious diseases.

Identify the sentence that contains a verb phrase.

(1 point)

African violets are an excellent choice for an indoor garden.
African violets are an excellent choice for an indoor garden.

These plants are relatively easy to grow.
These plants are relatively easy to grow.

They require very little natural light.
They require very little natural light.

You can grow them with artificial lightning.
You can grow them with artificial lightning.

You can grow them with artificial lightning.

Identify the sentence that contains a verb phrase.

(1 point)

Too much light will actually harm the plants.
Too much light will actually harm the plants.

The leaves turn pale or yellowish.
The leaves turn pale or yellowish.

The plant actually shrinks under the light.
The plant actually shrinks under the light.

Therefore, keep them in a shaded place.
Therefore, keep them in a shaded place.