John buys 8 packs of cookies at the grocery store. The cookies ar eon sale for 50 cents off per pack. He speands 20.00. Which equation can be used to find the original cost of cookies?

A: 8(c+0.50)=20
B: 8c-0.50=20
C: 8 ( c-0.50)=20
D 8-0.50c)=20

The correct equation would be:

A: 8(c+0.50)=20

To find the equation that can be used to find the original cost of cookies, let's understand the problem.

John buys 8 packs of cookies, and each pack is on sale for 50 cents off. So, the original cost of each pack of cookies is represented by 'c'.

We also know that he spent $20 in total. To find the original cost, we need to subtract the discount from the original price and then multiply it by the number of packs (8).

Let's break down the given options and see which one represents this scenario:

A: 8(c + 0.50) = 20
This equation calculates the total cost of the packs after applying the discount. It is not representative of the original cost.

B: 8c - 0.50 = 20
This equation subtracts the discount from the original cost but does not account for the fact that we need to multiply it by the number of packs. So, this is also not the correct equation.

C: 8(c - 0.50) = 20
This equation subtracts the discount from the original cost, and then multiplies it by the number of packs (8). This is the correct equation as it represents the scenario.

D: 8 - 0.50c = 20
This equation subtracts the discount from the number of packs, which is not representative of the original cost.

Therefore, option C: 8(c - 0.50) = 20, is the correct equation to find the original cost of cookies.

The equation that can be used to find the original cost of cookies is:

A: 8(c+0.50) = 20

This equation accounts for the discounted price of the cookies, where c represents the original cost of each pack.