What cultural idea exchanged along the Indian Ocean trade network had the greatest impact on East Africa?(1 point)







The cultural idea that had the greatest impact on East Africa along the Indian Ocean trade network was religion.

The cultural idea that had the greatest impact on East Africa through the Indian Ocean trade network is religion. To understand why, let's break it down:

1. Start by researching the Indian Ocean trade network and its significance in facilitating cultural exchange between different regions.

2. Explore how trade along this network enabled the spread of ideas, including religion, from one region to another.

3. Focus specifically on the influence of religion in East Africa. Research the major religions that were introduced to the region through the Indian Ocean trade network, such as Islam and Christianity.

4. Examine the impact of these religions on the local cultures and societies in East Africa. Look into how they shaped social, political, and economic structures, as well as artistic and architectural styles.

5. Consider the long-term effects of these religious ideas on East African societies, both in terms of cultural practices and belief systems.

By going through these steps, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of why religion is identified as the cultural idea with the greatest impact on East Africa through the Indian Ocean trade network.