Analyze the impact of Indian Ocean trade with Asia on the culture of East Africa in 1–2 sentences.(2 points)

The Indian Ocean trade with Asia had a significant impact on the culture of East Africa as it brought new religions, such as Islam, along with goods, technology, and ideas, leading to the development of vibrant city-states and cultural exchange in the region.

To analyze the impact of Indian Ocean trade with Asia on the culture of East Africa, one can study historical records, archaeological findings, and cultural artifacts, as well as examining the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies between the two regions. By understanding the patterns of trade, cultural borrowing, and the long-lasting effects on social, religious, and artistic practices in East Africa, one can assess the significant impact of Indian Ocean trade on the region’s culture.

The Indian Ocean trade with Asia had a significant impact on the culture of East Africa, as it led to the introduction of new crops, such as bananas and coconuts, as well as the spread of Islam and the Swahili language, influencing the region's economic, religious, and linguistic practices.