Which would be an example of a primary source?

online encyclopedia


A diary would be an example of a primary source.

An example of a primary source would be a diary.

To determine if a source is a primary source, you need to consider its proximity to the event or time period being studied. A primary source is a firsthand account or original document that was created during the time period under investigation. It provides direct evidence or firsthand information about an event, topic, or person.

In this case, a diary is often considered a primary source because it is a personal account written by an individual who experienced the events being described. The author of the diary records their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in real-time, making it a valuable source for understanding historical or personal contexts.

On the other hand, a textbook, online encyclopedia, or biography is considered a secondary source. These sources are created after the fact by individuals who were not directly involved in the events. They often compile and interpret information from primary sources along with other secondary sources to provide analysis, commentary, and summaries.

So, to identify a primary source, look for documents, records, diaries, letters, photographs, or other firsthand accounts created by people who directly witnessed or were involved in the events in question.